Tänään sain paketin, jossa oli uskomattoman ihania pieniä liinoja. Ne ovat laserilla antiikin valkoisesta paperista leikattuja ja kuin oikeaa pitsiä. Ja niin ohuita ja hentoja, että tuskin uskalsin ottaa niitä esille pusseistaan. Unohdin laittaa tulitikun kuvaan, mutta pienin on 10mm ja suurin 30mm. Tilasin ne osoitteesta stewartdollhousecreations.com . Idean näihin kauniisiin liinoihin löysin Linda Carswell´in blogista Une Petite Folie une-petite-folie.blogspot.com
Today I got a package. There were incredible small tableclothes in it. They have been cut by laser of antique white paper. They are like real lace. They are so thin that I hardly dared to take them out from the small bags. The smallest is 10mm and biggest 30mm. I ordered them from stewarddollhousecreations.com. I found the idea for these beautiful tableclothes in Linda Carswell´s blog Une Petite Folie une-petite-folie.blogspot.com

12 kommenttia:
The paper doilies are exquisite. Your little table is so elegant.
These are beautiful. I love your little table scene.
Hugs Maria
Parece increible que sea papel, están logradísimos, me encantan
I am so pleased that you liked them well enough to order them for yourself, they are all so beautiful!!!
Ei heti paperiksi uskoisi, kauniita!
The tableclothes are little treasures.
Bye Faby
Kati♥¡Que maravilla!!!!
Se ven preciosos!! ÖÖÖ
Un besito
Oioi...hienoja,hienoja ovat! Ihania!
Hei. Blogissani on pieni huomionosoitus sinulle! :)
I had bought them long ago, I've made some small paintings for the study ( I think my next post) and I have some more, they are very beautiful!
I've never seen such fine paperdoilies, they are beautiful.
Nice blog, I wanted to follow you, but I don't know how to do that.
Sorry, I've found out how to become a follower!
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